Steve Martinez

Steve Martinez - K9 Black

Retired Chicago Police Officer

Retired Police Patrol/Narcotic K9 Black

Owner: Black Dog America, LLC

Founder: Southern Nevada Working Dog Association

Formerly working for Caesars Entertainment as the Enterprise Armed, Special Response Team (SRT) /Canine (K9) Program Manager. Responsible for the development, implementation and management of the Canine (K9) Program which covers over 50 properties throughout the Caesars Empire and the Management of the Armed, Special Response Team in the Las Vegas Region.

Retired Chicago Police Officer with 32 years of service. Experience included; working within the Bureau of Organized Crime, Narcotics Division, assigned to a variety of Counter Narcotic Operations to include DEA Task Force and H.I.D.T.A. Initiatives as well as providing Narcotic Detection Canine (K9) support as the Bureau Canine (K9) Program Coordinator.

Supported Operation Iraqi Freedom, working for the Department of Defense as an Embedded Law Enforcement Adviser/Investigator/Analyst/Field Operator assigned to The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) operating in Yusifiyah, Iraq during OIF VII and VIII.

SECRET DoD Security Clearance (Active 2007-2009) • Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board-Certified Police Canine Trainer • Vohne Liche Kennels Patrol Dog Instructor Course • Certified Patrol Dog Trainer • Experience Firefighter II • Former Paramedic • Hazard Material Operations Level • Fire Captain • US Army Combat Medic • Airborne Qualified.

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